Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics
Robert L. Preger Intelligent Workplace. © Karl Backus
The Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics (CBPD) at Carnegie Mellon University conducts research, demonstrations and teaching to advance the sustainability and performance of buildings and communities.
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In conjunction with its university-industry-government partnership, the Advanced Building Systems Integration Consortium (ABSIC), the CBPD is engaged in ground-breaking work that investigates the impact of natural and advanced technologies on the physical, environmental, and social quality in buildings and communities.
Established in 1988, ABSIC is a university-industry-government partnership to pursue research, demonstration, and development towards improving the quality and performance of commercial buildings and building systems. Over 50 building industries and 10 government agencies have joined with the CBPD over the past 30 years to advance building systems and systems integration for environmental sustainability, human health and productivity, and organizational flexibility and performance.
In addition to the Master of Science in Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD) degree program, the CBPD launched the first PhD in building science in the United States, the PhD in Building Performance & Diagnostics (PhD-BPD), in 1975. In 1995, the Master of Science in Sustainable Design (MSSD) degree program was added to immerse practitioners in sustainable, high performance design curriculum. In 2015, the Doctor of Design (DDes) (formerly Doctor of Professional Practice (DPP)) program was launched as an opportunity for mid-career professionals to pursue doctoral degrees in sustainability and high performance built environments while continuing their careers.
The CBPD and ABSIC collaborated to create the Robert L. Preger Intelligent Workplace (IW), a living laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University dedicated to advancing innovations in building enclosure, mechanical, electrical, telecommunications, and interior systems, as well as their integration for individual productivity, organizational adaptability, human comfort and health, as well as the highest level of environmental sustainability.
The CBPD faculty are among the world’s leading experts in sustainable design, building science, and the performance of advanced building and community systems. They are actively engaged in research, public policy, and graduate and undergraduate teaching.
Associate Professor, DEI Director & DDes Track Chair
Professor & MSSD Track Chair
Professor Emeritus
Professor & Head
Professor Emeritus
Associate Teaching Professor & AECM Track Chair
Professor Emeritus
University Professor
Special Faculty
Assistant Professor in Building Technology & BPD Track Chair

Assistant Professor in Building Technology & BPD Track Chair
University Professor
Associate Professor, DEI Director & DDes Track Chair