Student Resources
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The following resources are available to support Carnegie Mellon Architecture students during their time at the School. The main point of contact for each area is included in each section.
Undergraduate Student Resources
Senior Academic Advisor for Undergraduate Studies & Associate Adjunct Faculty
Graduate Student Resources
Graduate Academic Advisor
Director of Communications
Carnegie Mellon Architecture lists PhD student profile pages on our website. Complete the form below at any time to update your information.
Event & Meeting Planning
Office Assistant
Follow these instructions to plan a meeting or event. More information is available on the Calendars page.
- Confirm the availability of the meeting/event time and room on the Calendars page.
- Submit the room reservation:
- To reserve an Architecture room: Submit the request at least five (5) business days in advance. You will receive a Google calendar invite when your reservation is confirmed. Wait for confirmation before notifying attendees or promoting your meeting/event.
Room Reservation Request Form - To reserve the MMCH 415 IW Conference Room: Email Vivian Loftness and Azadeh Sawyer.
- To reserve the CFA 106A Conference Room: Email Amy Kapp at least two (2) full business days in advance.
- To reserve a CMU Room: Use Carnegie Mellon’s room reservation system.
25Live Room Reservation System
- To reserve an Architecture room: Submit the request at least five (5) business days in advance. You will receive a Google calendar invite when your reservation is confirmed. Wait for confirmation before notifying attendees or promoting your meeting/event.
Branded Items
Marketing & Outreach Manager
Student organizations interested in ordering Carnegie Mellon Architecture branded items – such as t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, etc. – must first reach out to Christi Danner. Christi manages the coordination process with CMU’s Trademark Licensing Office. Learn more about our visual identity.
Carnegie Mellon University Resources
Carnegie Mellon University provides a variety of resources to support student needs.