Information & Resources
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Computing Administrator
Multimedia Support Specialist
- Architecture Computing: soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu
- Bob Armitage: Office - CFA 213; Email - rja2@andrew.cmu.edu
- Mark Jovanovich: Office - CFA 320; Email - mjovanov@andrew.cmu.edu | mjx@cmu.edu
CMU Computing Services
CMU offers central IT support through Computing Services. They are the primary contact for issues with an Andrew account/email, VPN and/or any hardware not affiliated with Architecture. Computing Services can be contacted via their Help Desk:
- E-mail: it-help@cmu.edu
- Phone: 412-268-HELP(4357)
- Help Desk: Cyert Hall 119
Laptop Requirements
Carnegie Mellon Architecture students are required to have their own laptop computers that are powerful enough for, and compatible with, the software required for their coursework. The university has shared computer labs on campus with software, however access is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is imperative that students have access to their own laptop.
Please refer to the following specifications prior to purchasing a laptop. Computers must meet or exceed the following specifications or else students will be unable to complete computing-related tasks in their coursework. Contact architecture tech support with any questions about these recommendations or purchasing a laptop.
- CPU: Intel latest 14th generation i7 or i9, AMD Ryzen 7 or 9
- Memory: 16GB minimum, 32GB recommended
- SSD: 1TB+ recommended
- Monitor: 15 inch minimum recommended
- GPU: RTX 4060 minimum, 4070+ recommended
- Operating System: Windows 10 or 11
- Note: PC with Windows is required. Running Windows on a Mac is not supported by Architecture or the University.
- Warranty: Recommended 3 year warranty with accidental damage coverage
Please note: Students with a system that does not meet the above guidelines may be unable to complete coursework. Mac systems require a Virtual Machine and may use an ARM version of Windows. These solutions do not support all Architecture software, and while workarounds may exist, they are not recommended or supported.
Laptop Lending
If a personal laptop has an issue and needs to be repaired, Architecture Computing has a small number of laptops available to lend.
- Those lending a laptop must sign a Memorandum of Understanding stating that they are taking university property and could be liable for any resulting damage, theft, etc.
- Laptops can be borrowed for a maximum of 14 days.
- Those who borrow a laptop must take the necessary steps to have their own laptop repaired and/or returned to service as soon as possible.
Personal Hardware
Architecture Computing can provide limited first-level support for personal computing hardware whenever possible. Computing cannot fully support personal hardware. Contact the manufacturer for major hardware concerns.
Architecture Computing has licenses available for specific software packages. Standard license information is available below. Some software titles will be dependent on course enrollment, so information about how to install the software will be provided by the instructor when the course begins.
- Adobe Creative Cloud: Install Adobe Creative Cloud from the Computing Services website. Contact Carnegie Mellon’s Eberly Center regarding any problems with the Adobe license.
- Autodesk: The Autodesk suite of software is available for students on the Autodesk website. Visit Autodesk Education Support regarding any issues installing Autodesk.
- CMU VPN: Some software requires the use of a CMU server, including Rhino and V-Ray. To use these software packages while away from the CMU network, you must use the CMU VPN (Virtual Private Network). Visit the CMU VPN Installation page for more information. Contact the Computing Services Help Center for help installing and using the VPN.
- Google Suite: All members of the Carnegie Mellon University community receive 25GB of storage via Google apps/Google Drive. Always back up important files throughout the year in case of a catastrophic failure.
- Keyshot: Keyshot is course specific, and Architecture only carries a limited number of licenses. Students will only be given instructions about how to install it if they are taking a course that requires it.
- Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office software is available free of charge through Carnegie Mellon University. Visit the Microsoft 365 page for more information. Contact Computing Services with any issues.
- Miro: Miro is available at no cost to students. To install, navigate to the Miro login page and click “Continue with Google." Select your Andrew ID account and then click the button "Continue to SSO” to log in with your Andrew ID.
- Rhino and V-Ray: Rhino and V-ray require access to a specific Architecture server. This information is provided in an email from architecture tech support or from an instructor.
Download Links
Some software requires you to be on campus and connected to a CMU network. If you are off campus and/or not connected to a CMU network, you will first need to connect to the VPN before using the software. Contact Computing Services regarding any issues connecting to the VPN.
Students receive printing instructions via email from Architecture Computing prior to the start of the semester.
TV Carts
Mobile TV carts are provided throughout Architecture spaces as alternatives to a projector and screen. Carts are only to be used for presentations and teaching. Faculty may request that students use carts for a course or presentation, but students should not move carts from one space to another, nor should they use them as personal devices.
Graduate Research / IW
Computer Hardware
If you are new to the department and discover legacy hardware in your area, please gather as much information as possible about the hardware and report it to Architecture Computing. Computing may not be aware of the device or what data is stored on it.
Hardware Return/Exchange/Retirement
Reach out to Architecture Computing before returning, exchanging or retiring computer hardware. Back up all relevant project data before disposing of any equipment.