Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
Carnegie Mellon Architecture’s Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (B.A.) is a 4-year pre-professional degree program that allows and encourages interdisciplinary exploration.
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B.A. students have the opportunity to double major, test the boundaries of the discipline, and explore a variety of interests. If you are a student that embraces creativity, is curious about the world around you, and enjoys engaging both the left and right sides of your brain, the B.A. program could be a perfect fit for you.
Program Structure
School of Architecture undergraduate students are admitted to the School of Architecture without a declared degree program. By the end of the second year, students must select either the B.A. or the Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree program. The student’s first-year advisor, faculty mentors, and head provide mentoring and information to guide the student in selecting their degree option.
In the first year, the B.A. program begins with the same studio-based curriculum as the B.Arch program, but then begins to diverge in terms of opportunities and outcomes. The B.A. only requires a minimum of 4 studios, which can be spread out over the four years of the program. As a 4-year degree program, the B.A. allows those who are interested to go on to specialize in other fields in graduate school, including the 2-year professional Master of Architecture (M.Arch) degree program (often called a 4+2 degree).
For students seeking a non-professional degree integrating architecture with another field of study, Carnegie Mellon also offers the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs. BXA students graduate with a Bachelor of Humanities and Arts, a Bachelor of Science and Arts, or a Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts degree.
Forge Your Own Path
Carnegie Mellon is world renowned in the fields of computer science, robotics, artificial intelligence, and engineering, but less well known is the fact that the university offers over 90 different programs and majors. Many of these programs engage the arts, the humanities, and technology within the rich, diverse ecosystem that is CMU.
The School of Architecture has defined a B.A. curriculum built upon a foundation of studio and architecture coursework, but more than half of the units required for graduation are general studies courses and university, School of Architecture, and flexible electives. you design your degree based on your interests.
We provide the opportunities, the guidance, and the expertise; you provide the passion.
Program Application Requirements
The application procedure is the same for both of the School of Architecture’s baccalaureate degree programs. Applicants submit the exact same application materials, regardless of whether they intend to enroll in the B.A. or the B.Arch program. Admitted students enter the School of Architecture without a declared degree program. By the end of the second year, students must select either the B.Arch or the B.A. degree program. The student’s first-year advisor, faculty mentors, and head provide mentoring and information to guide the student in selecting their degree option.
Contact us for more information, or to schedule a campus visit.