PJ Dick Innovation Fund Teaching Grant: Mixed Use in Pittsburgh's “Climate Haven”

Mixed Use in Pittsburgh's “Climate Haven”
Jared Abraham, Associate Studio Professor, Carnegie Mellon Architecture
In collaboration with: Gerard Damiani, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon Architecture; Alison Kwok, Professor & Director NetZED Laboratory, UO School of Architecture & Environment (consultant); Atelier Ten, Environmental Design Consultant (consultant)
Beginning Fall 2024 (recurring annually) | 10-12 students
Of the three stated challenges the school has identified, this proposal will most directly address Social Justice and Climate Change. The U.S. is currently facing an unprecedented housing crisis, and the ever-worsening effects of global climate change combined with a forthcoming climate migration demand sustainable and equitable housing solutions now more than ever. This course proposes a mixed-use project in the “Climate Haven” of Pittsburgh that will develop innovations in Workforce Housing Typologies with the inclusion of Civic Space and Commercial Development.
Image Credit: The Farmhouse by Austrian studio Precht
About the Instructor
Associate Studio Professor
Carnegie Mellon Architecture is committed to the mission-defining challenges of climate change, social justice and artificial intelligence. The PJ Dick Teaching Grants Program recognizes that the future of architecture and its related industries start with the education of the profession’s next generation of practitioners through innovative pedagogies. The teaching grants are focused on supporting changes to existing courses and development of new courses that focus on the three challenges.
The Faculty Grants Program will award a total of $400,000 over four years and is open to all full time faculty at the school. The 2024 proposals were evaluated by a committee comprised of school head Omar Khan; associate heads Joshua Bard, Mary-Lou Arscott and Kai Gutschow; Erica Cochran Hameen, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Theodossis Issaias, Special Faculty; Jenn Joy Wilson, Assistant Dean for Research Development and Sponsored Projects; and Aaron Martin, Associate Director, Institutional Partnerships, College of Fine Arts.
The Faculty Grants Program, established in 2023 by PJ Dick Trumbull Lindy Group, supports faculty research and teaching innovations that address the school’s three pedagogical challenges: climate change, social justice and artificial intelligence. The proposals were assessed on their impact in furthering a faculty member’s research and teaching, their contribution to interrogating the school’s challenges, and their viability to garner further research support, make an impact on the discipline and expand the pedagogy of the school.