In Memory of Professor Ömer Akin

The School of Architecture mourns the passing of Professor Ömer Akin this past Friday evening, March 13, 2020.
SoA Head Steve Lee reflects with admiration on Ömer’s legacy at the school. “This loss is especially personal for me, as the first assignment of my academic career was teaching 1st year studio with Ömer,” Steve said. “This interaction had a lasting and profound impact on my attitude towards the studio and classroom. Over the years we went on to become good friends and through him I learned the importance of teaching how we design, not just what we design. Upon becoming head of the school in 2008, I relied upon Ömer for leadership in the AECM program and for the creation of the DPP (now DDes) program. Ömer had a positive and lasting impact on the SoA community – by my count there are over 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students that had him as teacher, mentor, and/or agent provocateur.”
Ömer Akin PhD, AIA, ACSA was named Professor Emeritus at the Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture in 2017. Professor Akin joined the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University in 1977. He earned his PhD in 1979 from the Department of Architecture (now School of Architecture) PhD program under the advise of Professors Charles Eastman, Bill Chase, and Herbert Simon and focused his research in Design Cognition, Computer Aided Design, and Building Commissioning. During his time with the school, he taught design studios and graduate courses, advised graduate students, and lectured both nationally and internationally.
Professor Akin developed the SoA’s Architecture–Engineering–Construction Management (AECM) Master’s and PhD degree programs, as well as the Doctor of Professional Practice (DPP) (now the Doctor of Design (DDes)) degree program. With William Mitchell, he co-authored the professional Master of Architecture degree program and taught in it from 1980 to 1985. He also served in many administrative positions, including as Head of the Department of Architecture from 1981 to 1987.
The School of Architecture is working with Ömer's family to plan a memorial service for the SoA and wider university community once we are given clearance to assemble again. We extend our sincerest gratitude and thanks to Ömer for his many decades of service and dedication to the School of Architecture.