M.Arch Travel Awards

The Master of Architecture program grants travel awards each spring for selected students to support work grounded in architectural design research. Recovering from the lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, the travel awards facilitate research as it relates to a range of diverse contexts, practices and cultures. Students are encouraged to take on research projects in areas of their choice that will be further developed through research papers, a thesis or independent study.

The proposed dates of travel are during either the Spring or Summer Break. The grant amount is per the applicant's need, not exceeding $3,000. Students are responsible for their own travel plans and accommodations. Upon completion of the travel, students deliver a Pecha Kucha style presentation of their travel study and ongoing research.

Travel Award Recipients


Sanjana Bandaru, England (London): London Public Architecture

Emmaline Hubbs, Costa Rica: Constructing Communities of Synergy

Tai Le, France (Paris): Claude Parent's Architecture

Lora Marks, Netherlands (Amsterdam) & Norway (Oslo, Brumunddal): Pine-ing for the skies

Sarah Meronek, France (Paris) & Netherlands (Amsterdam): Sociology & Architecture of Communal Spaces

Reece Posey, Argentina (Buenos Aires): Brutalist Buenos Aires

Sparsha Reddy, Finland: Timber and Tradition

Siddhant Salvi, USA (New York City) & Norway: Reimagining Public Space: Snøhetta

Anoushka Sethi, Italy (Venice): Temporary Installations Venice Biennale

Sharvi Shah, Netherlands, Belgium & Denmark: Shifting Material Systems: RAU, Rotor, MVRDV

Rupal Singh, Japan: Ecology of Repair

Ishanesu Tendayi, Denmark: Evolving Design Futures: Digital Twins

Joanne Zeng, Finland: From Wood to Biomaterials: Alvar Aalto


Connor Gates, Iceland (Reykjavik): Landscapes as Infrastructures 

Riddhi Gugale, Japan: Bottom-up, Adaptive and Emergent Ways - Transforming Public Spaces in Japan’s Urban Context

Parikshit Kalavadia, Spain (Barcelona, Palamos, Olot): Investigating the work of RCR Arquitectes

Claire Laux, Canada (Toronto): Architecture and Time - A Study of Brigette Shim and Howard Sutcliffe Architects

Clara Martucci, England (London), USA (New York City): Next gen Theatres - Exploring Shape-Shifting Theatres, Automation and Adaptive Reuse

Abirami Periakaruppan, Spain (Barcelona, Tarragona, Calpe): Urban Living - A Redefinition: Learning from the tangible reminders of architectural versatility through the work of Ricardo Bofill 

Daria Svintsova, Spain (Barcelona): Sheltering Humanity - Architectural responses to the Global Refugee Crisis

Jenish Thakkar, Portugal (Porto, Braga, Lisbon): Spatial Dialogues - Materiality, Minimalism, and Plastic Form Making through Abstraction in Eduardo Souto De Moura’s Works


Emma Cafiero, Germany (Berlin): Defining and Developing Cities of Asylum to Inform Social Change

Colin Cusimano, Italy (Bologna, Pesaro, Urbino): Place, Everyday Life, and Architecture’s Agency: Drawing the Social Space of Giancarlo de Carlo

Rovina George, Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kochi): Crafting Architecture: Tracing encounters between tradition and modernity in Japanese Timber Construction

Ajay Chovatia, France (Paris, St. Nazaire, Trignac, Bordeaux): “Never Demolish, Always Transform:” Studying the Housing Projects of Lacaton and Vassal

Shayla Thomas, Spain (Barcelona): International Housing Festival (ISHF)

Thomas Vite, Switzerland (Zurich, Basel): Investigating Materiality and Meaning Through the Works of Herzog and de Meuron

Priyanka Thakur, Colombia (various sites): Learning from Bamboo tectonics developed by Architect Simon Velez in the context of Colombia

Joshua Jordan, England (London): Public Housing In London