Anderson Award Finalists Pecha Kucha Presentations

Monday, March 31, 2025
12:30PM - 1:50PM
CMU School of Architecture, MMCH 303
black box with white text Pecha Kucha 20 images x 20 slides

Graduate student finalists vying for the George W. Anderson, Jr. Award deliver Pecha Kucha presentations of their work in front of a live audience of their fellow graduate students and the jury. The Anderson Award recognizes graduate students who demonstrate through their work an exceptional level of attention to detail or dedication to beneficially impacting the community.

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total) with the images advancing automatically. 

Food will be served!

The event takes place in MMCH 303 and on Zoom.

More information about the Anderson Award