Taxonavigating the Digital Space
This course focuses on the search engine and the discussion of digital representations in the context of search engines and generative AI.

Taxonomy #7 (white, gray, and black) Entrance 2009, Paul Baumann
This course focuses on the search engine and the discussion of digital representations in the context of search engines and generative AI. In our interconnected world, information travels through the internet, reaching a distance that was impossible in the past. This dynamic data transmission shapes our collective understanding of the world, continuously deconstructing and reconstructing our collective memory of reality.
Due to multiple algorithms behind information transmission platforms, digital objects begin to originate a new value that is distinct from their physical counterparts. This course will investigate how to unfold the hidden correlations between objects through search engines, recommendation systems, and image generators.
This course consists of Part 1: Searching Home, Part 2: Staging Home, and Part 3: The Role of Observer. It challenges students to interpret information from a collectively built system and create a personal story via an interactive platform or film.