Formless as an Operation
This seminar focuses on the formless as an operation relative to social constructs, parametrics and aesthetics. Participants in the seminar develop an archive, original visualizations that utilizes multiple mediums and platforms, and culminate in a final project a part of an exhibition.
This seminar focuses on the formless as an operation relative to social constructs, parametrics and aesthetics. Geometry is often thought of as a rational or a structure that secures and grounds things, however the structures of the built environment is an unfolding and indeterminate product. Social constructs can be defined as formless or the informe, as coined by George Bataille; an operational existence. In expanding the one's idea of operating, the use of formless allows us to consider the indeterminate. The indeterminate for our purpose in exploring context relative to spatial and cultural traditions. Within social and political space, traditions become spatial operators. How can we spatialize and draw traditions, rituals, and narratives? We will investigate the means and methods of representation relative to the formless and the built environment. Participants in the seminar develop an archive, original visualizations that utilizes multiple mediums and platforms, and culminate in a final project a part of an exhibition.