ASO Studio: Reparative Infrastructures - Reworlding Infrastructure Through the Making of Publics
This studio adopts the term “Reparative Infrastructures” to call for a reimagination of infrastructural systems that are decarbonized, decentralized networks that promote other/new proximities. This studio uses the concept of Reparative Infrastructures to address this re-centering of infrastructure as an essential site/tool of architectural investigation.

Candilis, Josic, Woods and Schiedhelm, The Free University of Berlin, 1963.
ASOS Catalog Course Description
This studio adopts the term “Reparative Infrastructures” to call for a reimagination of infrastructural systems that are decarbonized, decentralized networks that promote other/new proximities. This studio uses the concept of Reparative Infrastructures to address this re-centering of infrastructure as an essential site/tool of architectural investigation.
This studio focuses on aging and yet-to-be-designed infrastructures of sanitation, waste-to-energy and transit, exploring how they might foster new publics and social practices through layered, hybrid and temporal programs. We consider “reparative” ways of understanding infrastructures to address and rectify historical injustices often caused by infrastructures, to imagine how communities might reclaim agency over their built environments, or support workers that maintain these infrastructures. As new forms of public space, they must engage, inspire and educate the diverse publics that visit or traverse these sites.